Cien Anos de Soledad - Yüz yıllık Yalnızlık

  • Mart 27, 2008
  • By Ova (Excuse My Reading)

I know my major chat interest is books, maybe you find this boring. But i love reading and really dont understand how people can tolerate life without reading books!

This is one of the best novels i have read.
I made an unsuccesfull attemp to read this when i was 13 ; but i was too young to swallow the story! so i gave it a try again when i found out that people was adoring it...

This is a long, a hard, a magical tale of a family which consist of uncommon people with common and repeated names.

If you like books you must read this one. And i beleive every family has a hidden part of Jose Arcadio!

But beware; This is really an uncommon story-telling style. love it...

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